Identification of the effect of ionizing radiation on epichlorohydrin based homo, co, and terpolymers
Ionizing radiation is a form of energy that works by removing electrons from the atoms and molecules of substances such as air, water, and living tissue. Ionizing radiation can travel unnoticed and penetrate these materials. Radiation exists all around us, and he has two forms. Non-ionizing radiation is a type of radiation that has lower energy than ionizing radiation. Unlike ionizing radiation, non-ionizing radiation does not remove electrons from atoms or molecules of matter, including air, water, and living tissue. A well-known example of ionizing radiation is X-rays, which penetrate our bodies to reveal images of our bones. X-rays are said to "ionize". This means that X-rays have the unique ability to remove electrons from atoms and molecules within the matter they pass through. Ionizing activity can change the molecules within the cells of our body. This action can cause injury (such as cancer). Strong exposure to ionizing radiation can cause skin and tissue damage. We use ionizing radiation every day to live a healthy life. Ionizing radiation is found in smoke detectors used to disinfect medical equipment and blood, and in many other tasks in our daily lives. Ionizing radiation penetrates the human body, and radiation energy is absorbed by tissues. This can have harmful effects on humans, especially at high levels of exposure. Natural sources of ionizing radiation tend to emit small amounts of ionizing radiation. This also means that our bodies typically absorb less radiation (dose). Natural sources of ionizing radiation include radioactive elements that occur naturally in our bodies. For example, a small portion of potassium in the body is radioactive. However, radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas found in rock formations that can emit high levels of radiation that can pose health risks. The radon level in your home or building depends on many factors. You can test your home or building to determine if you or your family are at increased risk of being exposed to radon. Medical diagnostic testing is the most important human-made exposure to ionizing radiation in the United States. The goal of medical imaging is that the benefits far outweigh the risks. You can track the number and type of these medical diagnostic tests you take regularly to know your history and share it with your healthcare provider. Talk to your health care professional about how one test can help and whether another test that does not involve ionizing radiation has the same effect. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound techniques are examples of diagnostic tests that do not involve exposure to ionizing radiation. A large body of literature shows that trace amounts of ionizing radiation benefit animal growth and development, fertility, health and longevity. Specific improvements are seen in neurological function, youth growth and survival, wound healing, immune competence and resistance to infection, radiation morbidity, tumor induction and tumor growth. Decreased mortality due to these debilitating factors translates into increased life expectancy after low-dose exposure to ionizing radiation. The above phenomena raise the possibility that ionizing radiation is essential for life. Limited data on protozoa suggest that rearing them in a low-radiation environment reduces their reproductive rate. This can be interpreted as a lack of radiation.