Multi-Paradigm Programming Language


A programming language is a type of written language that tells a computer what to do. For example: Python, Ruby, Java, and JavaScript, C, C++, and C #. Programming languages ​​are used to write all computer programs and software. A programming language is like a set of instructions that a computer follows to do something. Programmers create programs by writing text in the source code of a programming language. Programming languages ​​usually use real words for part of the command (e.g. "if... then... else...", "and", "or"). This makes it easier for humans to understand the language. Like regular languages, many programming languages ​​use punctuation marks. Then many programs will compile. This means that the computer modifies the source code or translates it into another language that is readable by the computer but much harder for humans to read (such as assembly or machine language). Computer programs must be written very carefully. When a programmer makes a mistake or tries to do something the program wasn't designed for, the program can stop working, called a "crash". When a program has a problem because of the way the code is written, it is called a "bug". A very small mistake can cause very big problems. Programming language descriptions are usually divided into two components, syntax (form) and semantics (meaning), and are usually defined by a formal language. Some languages ​​are defined in specification documents (e.g. the C programming language is specified in an ISO standard), while others (e.g. Perl) have their primary implementation handled by reference. Some languages ​​have both, typically a base language defined by a standard and extensions inherited from the dominant implementation. Programming language theory is the branch of computer science that deals with the design, implementation, analysis, characterization, and classification of programming languages. However, usage of both terms, including the exact scope of each term, varies by author. Similarly, languages ​​used in computing that have a different purpose than expressing computer programs are commonly called computer languages. For example, mark-up languages ​​are sometimes called computer languages ​​to emphasize that they are not intended to be used for programming. One way to classify computer languages ​​is by the computations they can represent, as explained in Theory of Computation. Most practical programming languages ​​are Turing complete, and all Turing complete languages ​​can implement the same set of algorithms. ANSI/ISO SQL-92 and Charity are examples of languages ​​that are not Turing complete, but are often referred to as programming languages. However, some authors restrict the term "programming language" to a complete Turing language. Another usage sees programming languages ​​as the theoretical building blocks for programming abstract machines, and computer languages ​​as subsets that run on physical computers with finite hardware resources. John C. Reynolds emphasizes that a formal specification language is a programming language, a language intended to be executed. He also argues that textual and graphical input formats that affect how computers work are also programming languages, but they are usually not Turing complete, and ignorance of programming language concepts leads to many input format errors. Blocks of data can be referenced by name instead of machine address, but assembly language does not provide a more sophisticated means of organizing complex information. Like machine language, assembly language requires detailed knowledge of the internal computer architecture. It's useful when such details are important, such as programming a computer to interact with peripherals (printers, scanners, storage devices, etc.)

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